Becoming a Simply The Story Instructor
We at The God's Story Project want the understanding of the Simply The Story oral methods of preparing and sharing Scripture and of teaching Simply The Story to others to quickly travel across the world.
Two kinds of skills are needed to accomplish this task: the skills of an Simply The Story Practitioner and the skills of an Simply The Story Instructor.
After attending an official 3-day Simply The Story workshop, nearly all people are fair to good Simply The Story storyteller practitioners. To become a better storyteller takes time and practice. To be able to train others well in Simply The Story takes added skills; skills beyond those of a practitioner.
We Are VERY Serious About Training Instructors
We are serious about producing well-trained Simply The Story Instructors. We want them to carry everywhere the best that we offer. When considering whether or not you want to pursue becoming an instructor, one of the first considerations would be compatibility. Although instructing staff come from many denominations and backgrounds, the common beliefs they all must have are represented by the Doctrinal Statement link located on the bottom of the home page.
As stated, workshop attendees do not automatically receive instructor certification. Those who take part in a 2 or 3-day workshop are not yet ready to become Certified Instructors.
However, many who participate in the trainers-track in a workshop, and who agree with the Doctrinal Statement on the Simply The Story website, are ready to serve as Assistant Instructors (AI's) in a following workshop. After AI's have successfully led a group of 3-5 new attendees in an 18-hour workshop, they become Provisional Instructors (PI's.)
We welcome and need these Provisional Instructors to join our staff to lead additional workshops. In these additional workshops, PI's help others learn Simply The Story. The Certified Instructors, with whom the PI's work, continue to refine the skills of the PI's and provide more of the leadership information needed to become Certified Instructors. All who attend a Simply The Story workshop are encouraged to go out and use their new skills in ministry and relational witnessing.
Simply The Story workshops run on a one instructor to every three attendees ratio in the 17-hour instructor's track, and on a one instructor to every four attendees in an 18-hour practitioner's track.
To thoroughly train people for Simply The Story instructor certification takes time. Interested parties go to a minimum of four days of training and use Simply The Story in life. Then, if invited, the applicant completes some homework, assists and moves into leadership during two to four more workshops.