Raising Storytellers
Irma spread her hands, encompassing the group. She was sharing the story of John the Baptist, and she was asking a question about the story to promote discussion. When someone participates in a story, the story comes alive in the person’s heart, and it is easily remembered. Remembering God’s Word is good for the soul!
Irma asked a question. “The story says God the Father sent John before Jesus to prepare the way. What might we observe about the Father’s character that He would send someone to prepare the way for His Son?” Someone answered, “The Father was investing in the Son’s success.” Others started to comment on the same theme; we had a fulfilling discussion.
One of the tools we use in Mexico to prepare people for ministry is STS to train them to tell Bible stories. We invest in their success in sharing the Word of God by teaching them how to tell the stories of the Bible with passion, how to ask questions, and how to listen carefully to people’s answers and respond to them.
In July, we trained about twenty people to tell Bible stories with STS. After three Saturdays of training, we asked them to continue to meet once a month to practice this new method of sharing God’s stories. In August, eight storytellers came to our home to practice their stories and continue their training in an STS advanced course. All day Saturday, we listened to Bible stories and participated in discussions. “Washed in the Word” takes on new meaning when you get to hear the Word and discuss it with others. Please pray for us as we invest in our storytellers one Saturday each month!