Workshops Born and Grow
From September 2006 to December 2007, TGSP instructors produced STS storytellers in 3-day workshops. Miller did most of the teaching, since no staff people yet existed who had the needed skills. The workshops spread to many countries.
Although, from the beginning, stories were studied in small groups, the fledging storytellers stood in front of all of the attendees to tell a story and ask some questions. Then they were evaluated by Miller. As STS was new in design to most people, no one else yet knew how to "coach" the learners. Practitioners were emerging, but trainers came along slowly.
In the spring and summer of 2007, STS partners completed recording 70 stories in three languages for the solar players. The stories were formatted onto solar players along with God's Story and the New Testament. An attempt was made to track the use and impact of the first 50 players, in each language, given to non-literates and semi-literates who attended an STS workshop.
Statistical data on the players given for the Swahili and Nepali workshops proved hard to compile. Communication and transport to those very rural places was difficult. However, India proved to be the easiest place from which to obtain comprehensive data about the impact of STS and the solar players on the ministries of rural evangelists.
Local pastor-hosts obtained before-STS ministry profiles of the evangelists. Then, after being trained in STS and receiving the recorded Bible stories on solar audio players, local literate evangelists interviewed those 50 attendees at the one month, three months, six months and one year marks. The interviews showed an exponential leap in evangelism and discipleship results. See report Amazing Results: One Year Report
By January 2008, there were thousands of good practitioners of STS. STS was growing, but Miller recognized that something needed to change to realize the potential that STS had. So, in a workshop in Hemet, California, near the TGSP headquarters, Miller tried an experiment that help propel STS forward.
After preparing stories in the usual small study groups, instead of one large group audience, Miller experimented by rotating storytellers within four medium-size new groups. The storytellers made their story presentation under the guidance of blossoming instructors. This one change proved to be instrumental to allow TGSP to train people more quickly in STS skills and to teach attendees the way to train others.
Throughout 2008, TGSP continued using a small group rotation system of preparation and presentation to teach STS. They, and the overseas instructing staff, moved to 5-day workshops. The refined workshop style accelerated comprehension in practitioners and caused an increasing number of people to become qualified instructors.
Due to the quick growth and fast replication, by mid-year TGSP could no longer keep track of how many STS workshops were being run. At least 300 were held.
In December of 2008, for a gathering of CEOs of story training organizations, Miller needed to compile information on STS and TCPT (a church planting training they had been running). Dorothy and the staff of TGSP were pleasantly shocked to discover that even using conservative estimates, in just over two years, at least 90,000 people had been trained to use STS skills in their ministries and STS training was being done in about 40 countries.